How To Spin Level Up Shop In Free Fire

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There can only be one winner. Free Fire Battlegrounds is an exciting third-person shooter battle royale from 111dots Studios, that’s out now on iOS and Android mobile platforms. Players parachute down to a remote island, and the only way out is to kill off everyone else. There are 30 players competing for survival, and you will be one of them. You can choose your starting point, but keep in mind that you will eventually have to face your opponents. The battlegrounds will shrink every minute, until there is no place left for you to run. You must use your time wisely, and come up with a strategy for eliminating the competition. There are numerous weapons and attachments available for you to pick up. Just make sure no one is waiting nearby to ambush you. Death will always be lurking around every corner. Make sure you read our Free Fire Battlegrounds tips, cheats and tricks before jumping into the island!

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1. Isolate Yourself

Since you are free to choose your starting point, it is best if you pick a location that isolates you from the rest of the other players. Do not worry too much about getting gear from the start. Dropping near loot locations will just force you in a battle situation that you are not ready for. You can always look for loot after you land.

Try to land outside of town if you can. There is a good chance that other players will land before you do. When that happens, they can quickly pick up a weapon and just shoot you out of the sky before you can even make it to the ground. It is always a better idea to play it safe in the beginning. You have dozens of other players to kill, so killing off one or two in the beginning is not worth the risk of putting a target on your back.

2. Stay In The Safe Zone

When you check the minimap, you will see a white circle. The circle indicates the current safe zone. Keep an eye on it, because when the island starts shrinking, you will see a new white circle. You will need to go there quickly, or you will get eliminated. Just be careful because this is also the best time for campers to snipe a few runners.

3. Keep Yourself Covered

Don’t forget that there is always the danger that someone is watching you. Avoid situations where you will be exposed to snipers. Before you make a move, analyze the path you will take, and look for areas where you can hide. Always sprint or crouch in between covers, to minimize your exposure. It can be tedious, especially since you will be moving around a lot, but it is better than giving your enemies a free shot.

4. Watch The Minimap

The minimap is not just for checking the safe zone. It will also tell you where the danger is. You will be able to hear nearby gunshots, but it will be difficult to tell where the sound is coming from. Use your minimap to confirm the location of gunfire. Just duck behind the nearest cover, then check your minimap for orange blips. You can try to run away from where the danger is, or you can slowly make your way towards it, in the hopes of ambushing two wounded players.

5. Get The Right Gear

The last thing you want is to go into battle unarmed. As soon as you hit the ground, you should look for the nearest equipment you can find. There are a few gears, however, that you should really seek out. These are equipment that will be essential to your survival. Since there are a lot of snipers and campers in the game, you should try to get your hands on a helmet as soon as possible. This reduces damage taken from headshots, keeping you alive long enough to take cover. You will also need a bag to put all the loot in, so look for a backpack as soon as possible. Lastly, you will need a vest to protect your torso from body shots. The more damage reduction items you have, the better chances you will have for survival.

How To Spin Level Up Shop In Free Fire 9k

That is everything you need to know in order to survive in Free Fire Battlegrounds! Just follow the tips and tricks listed above, and the odds will surely be in your favor! As always, if you know some additional tips or tricks, be sure to share them with us in the comment area!


When a fellow travel blogger recently wrote about fire spinning in Thailand, I realized in reading it that I have been amiss with you, dear readers.


You see, I have blatantly (and unintentionally) kept you in the dark about a new part of my own life; a hobby that is both relaxing and actively playful….Fire Spinning!

This post was originally published in 2009. It has since been updated for accuracy of links and content.

It all started with friends of mine who spin. When I first saw them spinning balls of fire on chains (called poi) and twirling staffs with the ends ablaze, I thought it looked neat, but didn’t have much interest in it myself.

It wasn’t until I picked up a staff one day to try and imitate a move I had seen that I began to think of fire spinning as something I could get into. The staff felt smooth, was a perfect weight, and I realized with a few tips that it wasn’t as difficult as it initially appeared. Learning new moves felt great, and perfecting the art of making spinning look good tapped into my love of dance and performance in general.

How To Spin Level Up Shop In Free Fire Stick

Months and months after I first picked up a poi or staff, I was at an outdoor music festival where some friends were “having a burn,” as they say. There were 200 people gathered around a stage about 50metres away, and on this little patch of grass to the side, about half a dozen people were fire spinning.

How To Spin Level Up Shop In Free Fire Pits

“Here, have a go,” said a mate as they relatively unceremoniously tossed me a half lit staff. “The other side didn’t get fueled up by accident, so you’re stuck with one,” he said.

Ah well, “one’s better than none” I thought, and started spinning the staff, surprised at the heat and size of the one fireball up close. My friends had been careful to teach me about fire spinning safety, our credo being “learn before you burn”. So I felt prepared for this, my first time spinning fire.

And man, was I on fire (pardon the blatant pun). I had that staff spinning like it had never been spun it before.

That is, until I smacked myself in the eye with the unlit end of the staff.

Convinced that I would be toting a black eye for the next week, I glanced up to see who saw my blunder. As luck would have it, if anybody had actually seen my spinning debacle, they had the good grace to pretend not to have.

So I kept spinning, and got back to having fun. Mere minutes later when I was handed a fully lit staff to play with instead, I became confident that nobody saw my eye-poking antics!

“Yikes,” I thought to myself. “It would hurt a lot more if I poked myself in the eye with fire,” I pondered as I swallowed hard and attempted to track the whereabouts of not one but two balls of fire revolving around my body.

Turns out it’s much easier to spin staffs with both ends lit than one…they’re easier to see!

Since then, I’ve had a few chances to have fun with fire spinning, and to watch those who are much better than me have a go at it too. Fire spinning is a beautiful rhythmic dance that requires skill, courage, and practice. I’m so glad I’ve had a chance to try my own hands at it.

How To Spin Level Up Shop In Free Fire

All the pictures above are of me, just in case you were wondering. Here are some pictures of various friends of mine fire spinning: